(so you can listen to the song) :)
Just sit and putter,
Life's candy and the sun's
A ball of butter.
Don't bring around a cloud
To rain on my parade
Don't tell me not to fly
I've simply got to.
If someone takes a spill,
It's me and not you.
Who told you you're allowed
To rain on my parade!
I'll march my band out,
I'll beat my drum,
And if I’m fanned out,
Your turn at bat, sir.
At least I didn't fake it.
Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it!
But whether I’m the rose
Of sheer perfection,
Or freckle on the nose
Of life's complexion,
The cinder or the shiny apple of its eye,
I gotta fly once,
I gotta try once,
Only can die once, right, sir?
Ooh, life is juicy,
Juicy, and you see
I gotta have my bite, sir!
Get ready for me, love,
’cause I’m a "comer,"
I simply gotta march,
My heart's a drummer.
Don't bring around a cloud
To rain on my parade!
I'm gonna live and live now,
Get what I want I know how,
One roll for the whole shebang,
One throw, that bell will go clang,
Eye on the target and wham
One shot, one gun shot, and bam
Hey, Mister Arnstein, here I am!
I'll march my band out,
I will beat my drum,
And if I’m fanned out,
Your turn at bat, sir,
At least I didn't fake it.
Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it.
Get ready for me, love,
'cause I’m a "comer,"
I simply gotta march,
My heart's a drummer.
Nobody, no, nobody
Is gonna rain on my parade!
For some reason, this song and the Glee cast version popped into my head. The original is from A Chorus Line (I believe? If not, correct me, haha!) It always puts me in a really good, jumpstart kind of mood ya' know? :)
To go along with this, I've been looking at lolita stuff lately, and have been really inspired. I would love to start owning some of my own lolita styles, even if that meant just one total outfit -- it would be a really fun hobby to start. The only thing getting in my way right now is money and expenses and making sure that I'm prioritizing how I spend that money. I figured though if I keep myself from buying other little things, or any other clothes, the money I use for those things can go to getting a lolita dress. However, I'm also trying to save up for various charities and what not so those will come first.
However! I can't keep myself from dreaming, of course...
Here are some of the lolita fashions I adore~

I realize I'm more drawn to the classic lolita style, though I like some of the punk/sweet looks.
Classic lolita has tons of beautiful prints and sillhouettes, while punk lolita can be much more youthful and fun -- however, classic is always and has always been more so of my style (mixing in some edge just shows some diversity).
Lolita is just such a beautiful statement and style, and even if I only ever had the confidence to wear it around my house, I'd love to buy one of these looks to have and wear anyway. <3