Friday, November 25, 2011

A change in passions..

I'm starting to wonder if my passion for a career is really in graphic design or not.

I mean, I do love it, but at the same time, I'm discovering a passion I love even more -- photography. It's such a free-feeling, magical art. You can travel to different sites, you capture all sorts of beauty.. I'm just an amateur, but I feel the most inspired by photography. Lol, I blame Adella's "The Zelda Project" where they are doing this massive scale of Zelda cosplay/photography where the characters have just LITERALLY come to life... they're so stunning, nearly perfected, in this world and setting that seems so surreal, but is so real, and out there somewhere... Such stunning beauty, I was in awe of the mastery of their craft, but also, at the mastery of the photographer.

Luckily, graphic design and photography can go hand in hand, so it's not like I'm "wasting" my time right now -- design is a very, very good trade to learn, and it'll definitely get me a good career. But I am seriously going to study photographer even more seriously, so one day I can be as amazing as a photographer as high end fashion photographers, or Indigo (the one that shot the Zelda pictures below from The Zelda Project). I'm starting to see a whole 'nother world that excites me; cosplay/costume photography, fashion photography and design, etc...

What's nice about being young is that you can make changes in your life decisions, but at the same time, I can't just keep straying too far. Lol, luckily enough, graphic design/photography and pretty much anything else I'm seriously considering as career options, are all relatively close to one another anyway, and definitely strengthen each other. Maybe I'll just be a designing, photographing, illustrating MACHINE when I get out in the work force one day. That'd be great! XD

But seriously, LOOK at these pictures, OH MY WORD. They're so... beautiful. *___*

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Who run the world?

Finally, I have an evening to myself where I can just chill and relax. It's probably my only night of the week I just have to do nothing if I want to, so I'm going to do just that. I probably still need to work on homework, but I don't have to rush around places or go to the design lab or here or there, or work, so I'm very happy. I got to take like a three hour nap so that's helping significantly.

Soooo, basically I'm learning from all this Ethan/boys at the con drama to not push at Ethan anymore; being too persistent or clingy or annoying. REALLY backing off and letting him indulge in his creativity and inspiration like he wants to. It's weird, I've felt like this in the past, feeling too clingy, but this whole situation sort of put things in perspective for the final time I guess. I'm feeling a lot more used to stepping away now and not really being all over him, and I guess his weekend was sort of the final test of that. I sort of failed by being whiney and clingy again and crying, but now I'm just like "whatever!" He was talking to me earlier about how creative and inspired he was feeling for working on projects and crafts again that he really wants to now that commissions and convention stuff is done, and it was really nice to see that. I guess it does really make him happy and I'm sort of stunting him from that happiness. So I'm going to give that to him more, and bother him less. He'll do his own thing, I'll do mine.

BUT LADIES! Looks like it'll be all about the gals in our groups from now on, to ourselves. HECK YES! I'm sort of in a girl power mood right now, and I think it's the excitement about all our girl group stuff coming up.

So, Vocaloid and Sailor Moon will be super fun and awesome, and AKON is going to be freaking amazing :D The more I think about it just being the girls, the more excited I am -- NO BOY DRAMA, LADIES! Just our awesome, good-lookin' selves in our lady power cosplay, lol. It'll be a nice relief to have some girl time. I think I'm constantly focusing on "me and Ethan" and making him happy and focusing on him and our problems that I'm forgetting about hanging out with my gals and indulging in my own time -- my girl time. I love you all and miss you terribly already! D: But! We will all hang out soon and need to keep hanging out regularly cause Izumicon was just too fun :P <3

I LOVE YOU! This next month and next year is gonna' be so freaking fun! :D

Freaking Beyonce's song rocks -- guess what I'll be listening to all week? Haha!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keep fighting.

"When you find the one... you don't give up."