"Joy is not in things; it is in us." - Richard Wagner
Welcome! Do come in, wipe your feet on the mat as you do. I can take your hats and coats. Please, don't hesitate; the tour has just begun.
Note the book that sits on the platform directly in front of you as you enter. See it's suede front, spine, and backing? Feel it's crisp yellow pages, with pressed flowers and scribbles of written word? Yes, this in fact, are the musings of myself, Meghan.
Feel free to graze your fingers along the encrypted gold title, thumb through the pages of my ideas, stories, musings and gestures of life, the universe, or even the trivial things. Take advantage of the comfort in the many couches around you, let yourself sink into their plush cushions. Breathe in the sweet smell of charming black cherry candles, polished wood floor, and brewing coffee. Enjoy the small sounds of laughter outside on the streets, the small jingle of a bike messenger, and light music wafting from the record player in the corner.
Now, turn your eyes downward, as you hold the book. Be gentle with it. Cradle it, carefully, between your hands. Open, be invited in.
And read.
Holy Cow! did you just write that?! Meghan, seriously you are an amazing writer! You are so talented! Don't ever give up on your dream to become a writer. You have a gift! ^^ I'm excited to read your up coming posts my dear friend. ^^
haha, I love talking old-n-time. ^^ any way!! yeah! Yay for being Blog buddies. These are secret though. XD haha, we cant let ethan or like any of our guy friends find our blog. XD
I wrote it earlier :'D I've seen many websites do it and think it's so darned cute how they open up your imagination to a single website being an entire place to enjoy.
And of course!! Secret blogs :D It makes it soooo easy to communicate with you if we can't have our long in depth conversations in person when we need to. They're so fun too. It's easier to me to keep than a journal for some reason Oo;; how sad is that?
haha!! i totally agree! Like this way we can see how each other is doing when we cant see each other in person. Like by what we post and stuff. I'm so excited! ^^ haha, and don't worry, Im the same way too with actually writing out journals old school way. XD Except in my little journal the one from Falls Creek. I do really enjoy writing in that one. ^^
I love writing them out old-school, but hardly seem to think to write in them. I think about stuff a lot and I think I'm just too lazy to write it all out XD;;
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