... rejoicing in someone's death so much that it's almost an act of patriotism?
Yes, I understand what Osama Bin Laden has done to this country, to so many innocent people... it was horrifying, it was very wrong, cruel, it sickens me thinking about it.. and maybe, no, most definitely, his death does give some justice and resolution to those that lost loved ones because of his leadership in the terrorism attacks on our country..
But what about forgiveness?
God gives us sinners grace everyday, yet we rejoice and cheer and point the finger of "sin and blame" towards just one man. Is it alright to say there's a "special place in hell" for just one person based on their specific sin that seems "worse" than everyone else's? That seems awful to me, honestly... inhumane, unforgiving...I don't know. Sometimes I think America is so focused on themselves, of course they'd rejoice the death of a man that had once hurt them.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here, if you will. Let's all just think about what we're doing; rejoicing over someone's death... rejoicing over them "being in hell", as I have heard some say...
Sometimes in this world, I just wish I could hide away somewhere else less cruel and unforgiving, or just be with God and Him only and see Him and have Him just explain everything to me... to know how to feel about these things. Until then, this hurt in my heart instead of "rejoicing" makes me believe that we should feel hurt and saddened for Osama that he wasn't saved. That his judgement is hell... and that he can't experience the beauty of Heaven. We should be sad he never saw God's love for Him, that he's been driven to that point of cruelty and killing...
I guess, in general, it's a hard feeling to decipher.
Man I totally agree Meghan. I found out this morning that he was killed i was just sort of indiferent like, ok. well I guess thats good. then i saw on the news so many people rejoicing. it was like ok... why are you so happy about it. *sigh* i totally agree meghan... we should be more sad that he was a lost.
Yeah. :/ And then Sarah Cheatwood messaged me saying she was angry I ever said anything about how we shouldn't be just rejoicing and celebrating his specific death. I had posted a status on Facebook originally, but deleted it in case it offended anyone else.
And I was like, really? Why? He's a child of God too. Yes, he went astray and it's hard to really look past all that he's done and feel sorry for him, feel sad for him, but honestly, he was born the same way we all were... a baby. God's child. With tons of potential and a plan in mind. And everyone seems to look past that and instantly cry out for joy at his death. Feeling extremely patriotic that America killed a man. What does that say about America, for one? One you're an "enemy" even of the slightest kind, we'll kill you, and then rejoice? I think that's an awful mindset :/ *sigh*
I guess it's a controversial subject, but, I'm glad you feel the same as me :/ I was starting to feel like I was wrong or something..
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