So today's been an average day. I had to work nine to four, but we were SO slow. I think the opening of that new outlet mall, plus the fact it is tax free weekend, kept everyone at the clothing stores and not at entertainment stores. We literally had enough time to de-sanitize/clean/mop/sweep our entire work island, we only had to stock product once, AND I reorganized/re-spaced all the PS2, Gamecube and Wii games. Seems like a typical work day for any normal entertainment retail job, but considering we rarely get time to do those things since we're processing and readying buys/buying things from people all the time, it was a very rare occurrence indeed. I was feeling really productive though and the shift went by pretty fast.
After that I just came home and chilled with my parents. We sat outside on the back patio and watched the rain come through, and it was so nice! The temperature dropped and it felt amazing. I took some pictures with my telescopic lens of the rippling water over the smooth stone of our patio and then just sat back and enjoyed the rain. We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, and then proceeded to Best Buy so I could finally upgrade my laptop. It's basically the same thing, just a new/faster/better hard-drive and more room... It's weird switching over to a new laptop though even though it feels the same. I'm trying to keep a lot/most of my files on an external hard-drive, but it's hard not having EVERYTHING in one. I guess that's what I get for taking 8,000+ pictures and wanting to keep every last one of them...
After that we ran another errand then came home. Me and my mom watched the movie "Beastly", the modern take on Beauty and the Beast based off the book. I read the book and loved it, so I was curious about the movie. The book's details are somewhat faded from my mind, but, I loved the movie entirely. It was really well done I thought! -sigh- It re-introduced me to my love of that fairy-tale and fairy-tales in general. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite one; I related a lot to Belle when growing up, and I just think the whole moral is absolutely lovely. Seeing past superficial barriers to truly love someone. So romantic! *sigh*
In the movie, the "Belle" character named Lindy said something about how true romance is gone... haha, I wouldn't say that entirely, but sometimes being a romantic thinker, I get swept away into fantasy and a daydream state, dreaming of the kind of romance where its maximum level is a sweet, final kiss with fingers interlaced before the story ends, yet, the two are so in love. I hate how "love" and relationships nowadays are so shallow, manipulated, frivolous, and based on nothing but physical intimacy or "hooking up"... I'm lucky to be in a relationship where it's none of that, however, for the best of our relationship, I need to quit expecting him to be some prince that will constantly dote on me, or some romantic hero that I'm unrealistically expecting a fairytale plot from. Haha, I guess it's something I'm working on... I'm such a romantic thinker I've come to realize, and I think movies like that, fairy-tales and shojo manga -cough- feed that flame and sometimes that flame burns a little brightly and seeps too much into real life...
Oh well, I can only be me. :)
... I can't deny though, I JUST LOVE HAPPY LOVE STORIES SO MUCH. <3 <3 <3
No, I totally agree with you. It seems like there are few guys out there who aren't looking for a physical relationship.
And yes, I think shojo/Disney/fairytales have ruined my expectations XD rofl
I really wanted to see that movie but I'm not a huge fan of Vanessa Hudgens, I cannot stand her acting..
See, I thought the same too -- but, I pushed that aside cause I was so curious for the movie, and it turned out really good. She felt pretty natural and real to me in this movie; her character is also TOTALLY different than Gabriela in High School Musical D: It's weird, she actually cusses some and is sort of edgy o.o
It's a really movie though :3 I get free rentals at work so I can re-rent it sometime for you so you can watch it without paying anything just in case you think it's a total bomb. XD
Friends with benefits, yeaaayyeahhh. Bwhahaha, just kidding. I might see if I can find it online the internet.
She was in Sucker Punch too and is pretty edgy in that. She's probably trying to get rid of her "Disney Star" look. I never saw that one either... I might look that one up to. haha
I want to see Suckerpunch really badly! And I didn't know she was in that one, gasp! D: Maybe her HSM/Disney fakeness can be redeemed for me through movies where she's more down to earth and real. Not some prissy, perfect, singing girl no one can relate to :<
I think I can have three movies for free out at once. :0 If not, I can definitely have two out at once. LET'S DO THIS.
This weekend is our last weekend of school freeness. :(
I know! I've totallly been wanting to see Sucker Punch! The chick who played ChiChi in DBZ Evolution is in there too! There's someone else that I recognize too but I can't remember...
As soon as Cheryl gets back from the mountains, haha, WE SHOULD.
Haha, I have this weekend and next weekend... though next weekend is my trip with my parents, and this weekend is moving into the dorm and me and Ethan's anniversary. @_@ So, they're like already planned D: Maybe we could do it a weeknight or something? ><;; Or like a labor day weekend thing D:
I caved and rented SuckerPunch from work already, hahaha. I needed some movies to watch and we had a used copy. I may or may not get to it though, we'll see.
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